Monday, February 4, 2013

Short Term Vs. Long Term Goals

When people think of goal setting, they often think of long term goals such as making $1 million dollars or buying their dream home.  Long terms goals are very important, but so are short term goals.  Short term goals can help you stay motivated as you are working towards those long term goals.  They are the little pats on the back along the way.

They can be especially gratifying in network marketing.  A short term goal allows you to see that you are making progress in the bigger goal of having a successful business.  A short term goal should be something that you can accomplish in about three months and something that you would not normally be able to do if it weren’t for your business.  Here are some examples of short term goals:

-          A new summer wardrobe
-          A weekend getaway with your spouse
-          Pay off a credit card
-          Have a debt free Christmas
-          Remodel your kids room
-          Buy a treadmill

Long term goals are those that keep you in your business for the long haul.  Your short term goals are great and keep you motivated, but the long term goal is what it’s all about.  It’s a great idea to have a visual board for your long term goals so that you see it as much as possible.  Also, make a measurement stick – and mark off how much closer you’re getting.  Even if it’s only 5% your first year, you are that much closer!

Although we’ve identified what short and long term goals are, what most people get stuck with is the most important part…HOW to actually set their goals.  Here’s a quick step by step guide on how to set both your long term and short term goals:

1.      Set aside time.  It has to be quiet and uninterrupted time.  I find it’s best if you do this away from your house or business.  Find a place that is inspiring for you.  Go to the beach, in the mountains, or another favorite stop.  Take a pad of paper, pencil/pens and 2 different colored highlighters with you.
2.      Start with a free flowing list of things you’d like to accomplish.  Ask yourself these questions, and write down any answer that come to mind:

a.       What do I want to do?
b.      What do I want to have?
c.       Where do I want to go?
d.      Where do I want to live?
e.       How many homes do I want to have? Where?
f.       What contributions do I want to make to my community or the world?
g.      How much do I want to earn?
h.      How much do I want to invest?
i.        How much do I want to save?
j.        What do I want to do for my children?
k.      What do I want to do for my parents?
l.        What will I do for fun?
3.      You should have a pretty long list!!  Probably a couple of pages.  Now go back through and split between your long term and your short term goals.  Remember, short term goals are things that you can accomplish in a 3 month period.  Long term goals would take longer than that.  Highlight short terms goals one color and long term goals another.
4.      Starting with short term goals:  Take a new sheet of paper and write down your TOP TEN short term goals.  Those you feel the most attachment to.  (But keep your big list…you can use the rest later.
5.      Schedule those short term goals into appropriate quarters of your upcoming year.  Three or so a quarter (one will have 4).  You have set your short term goals for the year!
6.      Now let’s turn to your long term goals.  This is a little harder, and often takes the buy in of your spouse as well.  But this is a good place to start.  I believe in taking the opposite approach with long term goals.  Start culling your list 5 at a time.  Line through your LEAST important 5 long term goals.  Next 5.  Do this until you CANNOT compromise OR you are down to 5-8 long term goals. 
7.      When you get home, talk to your spouse about what the MOST IMPORTANT FIVE long term goals are for you to work towards.  Now you have your long term goals.

Both short term goals and long term goals are important.  Take some time to set your short term goals and long term goals this week.  Share them with your family – you’ll find they are much more patient with your business when they know what your goals really are!

If you liked this blog head over to my website for more great information! 

Chris Case

Monday, January 28, 2013

Why You Should Never Discriminate.

Why You Should Never Discriminate When Prospecting

When it comes to recruiting, it pays to NEVER discriminate.  I don’t mean that by anything but this…you NEVER can prejudge who you think will or will not make a great team member!  Just to shed some light on real life scenarios that often occur, I want to share a few of my experiences with you to show you what I mean.

In the world of Network Marketing, there are always examples around you to show you what you should and should not do.  After carefully watching and listening in to people’s stories about their recruiting experiences, I’ve come to observe a lot of interesting things about pre-judging people too far in advance, before they join your business.

First, I’ve seen team members get SUPER excited about someone who they think is going to be the “next big thing”.  They came over from another company and they are going to bring in 50 people from that company and take the area by storm!!  And then, not too long afterwards, they fizzle.  No one joins them and no one came along with them from their previous company.  It becomes blatantly obvious that they’re a dud, and not too long afterwards, like the magician Whodini, they disappear into thin air, with all of their shoulda, coulda woulda’s trailing behind them. 

However, I’ve also seen the total opposite happen.  I’ve seen team members start off very laidback in following up with potential recruits because they didn’t think they were “really going to make it”.  I’ve seen that potential recruit get frustrated at the lack of follow up, join under another person and pass the first person up in sales, recruiting and leadership.

There have also been times when I’ve witnessed someone “passing” on a recruit.  The recruit wasn’t a huge performer, and she may not have had the “it” factor.  But she did recruit 2 people…and one of those people went on to become a national year-end sales winner.  The person who didn’t pass on the initial recruit made a good bonus while the one who passed on the “unattractive prospect” continued to live through his career with regret.

The bottom line is this, “Those you think will, won’t.  And those you think won’t, will!”.  This industry can be very tricky and it’s often challenging to determine who’s going to be a producer versus those that will simply become a number.  Either way, the best thing you can do is talk to practically everyone you know.  From your church, to the parents at your children’s school, family, friends, neighbors, lawyers, post office workers, teachers, doctors, accountants, stay at home moms, and the list goes on and on and on, with people you should share the business with.

Never underestimate someone because of his or her current “income status” or their profession.  Inside each of us is a dream that is lying dormant, and waiting for someone to come and help bring it to life.  You never know whom you can unlock from life’s miseries and struggles, and those whom you can empower by believing in them enough to present them with this amazing opportunity.

The best thing you can do is present them with the opportunity, and let them decide if they want to move forward or not.  Once you open the doors, you have no idea who you’re letting in, and the potential they will have to bring massive success to your organization, while you get the chance to embrace the experience of seeing their lives changed.

If you liked this blog be sure to check out my website at for more information on how to grow your business.

Chris Case

Friday, January 25, 2013

Who is a Prospect?

WHO is a Prospect?

When you are looking to recruit someone to your team, you need to know WHO an ideal prospect is, and what to look for when searching for them? In a nutshell, a prospect is someone who could benefit from the opportunity that your company provides.  Your goal is to 1) find out if they could benefit from the opportunity and 2) let them know about the opportunity.

Think about this very carefully.  As you go through each day and you are looking for prospects, you are looking for someone who has a problem that your company can provide a solution for.

So who is someone who could benefit from what you have to offer?  Generally it is someone who might be looking for:

-          Additional Income
-          Flexibility
-          Security
-          Different Lifestyle
-          Vacations
-          _____(Insert your company benefits here!)

Your company may have certain nutritional benefits, or legal benefits that may be of particular interest to certain people.  Whatever that list of benefits is…commit them to memory.  That list is something that will be a catalyst for you. 

When you hear someone who mentions ANY of those buzz words, it should send bells ringing!  They are a prospect.  They can benefit from what your company has to offer!

Exposing Them To The Solution

Now that you’ve found someone who can benefit,   the next piece of the puzzle is to let them know about the opportunity your company has. This is your opportunity to say:

“I couldn’t help but to hear that you are looking for ______.  I know exactly how you feel!!  I felt the same way about six months ago!  I found a great opportunity to change that when I started my business with _______.  Can I give you some information about them?”

With this simple statement you have let them know that you heard their “issue”.  You/your Company has a benefit that can solve it through the opportunity they provide. And, you have connected with a prospect.

You will find that almost everyone is a prospect.  And if they aren’t, they generally know someone who is!  The key is to keep your ears open.  And then don’t be afraid to open your mouth shortly afterwards!  Nothing is worse then KNOWING someone is a prospect…and then watch them walk away in the opposite direction because you were too stifled to do something about it!

Chris Case 

P.S. Check out my website for more information on how to build YOUR business!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Why You Need Catch Up Calls With Your Team!

Why You Need Catch Up Calls With Your Team

They are called different things within different organizations, but a catch up call is a chance to check in with the members of your team and see how they are doing with their business.  They are VITAL to keeping your business strong.

As a leader, attrition is one thing that can cripple your business.  Attrition is inevitable, and you need to be prepared for a certain percentage to happen.  But if an unexpected amount happens, it can affect you meeting your minimums which can affect leadership levels, contests, and ultimately, your income.

The best way to avoid this is to have your finger on the pulse of your team.  You need to know what they are doing, what their goals are, and if anything has changed in their business. Best of all, you need to know how you can help them and they need to know that you care about their business.

It is best if these calls are scheduled so you both know when they will occur.  15-20 minutes is usually enough.  If someone has a more serious issue, you can schedule another time to talk separately.

You should be asking questions like:
·         “Where are you with your monthly goals?”
·         “What are your goals for the upcoming month?”
·         “Have there been any changes in your business?”
·         And most importantly…”What can I most help you with in your business”. 

If it’s something you can answer over the phone…great.  If it’s something you need to get back to them on, give them a specific date that you will have an answer for them by…and make sure you meet the deadline.

Having regular catch up calls will keep the lines of communication open with your team and hopefully avoid any shocking news at the end of a month!

If you'd like to learn more check out my website at for a series on further building your Leadership Skills! 

Chris Case

Friday, January 18, 2013

The Importance of Recognition

I don’t know about you, but I really don’t remember the last time someone around MY house clapped when I came down the stairs and said “Great job scrubbing that toilet!!  I’m SO proud of you!!”  Sure, it’s my job around the house, but still, it would be nice!

Yet one of the BEST things about being in network marketing IS the recognition.  Yes, it may be your “job” to sell, to recruit, etc.  but you can be recognized for doing it well.  And the fact of the matter is, most of us don’t get recognized in our normal day to day life.  Whether it’s in our “regular job” or our home life, recognition is often overlooked.

Yet…how GOOD does it feel when someone acknowledges your efforts?!?  It feels GREAT!  When you’re recognized, you can’t help but to smile (even if you feel a little embarrassed).  You can’t help but to get a warm feeling in your heart.  You can’t help but to feel good about yourself. 

The recognition doesn't always have to be grand.  Sure, being on stage can be cool.  But so can seeing your name in a newsletter.  It can be cool to get a candy bar wrapped in a pretty ribbon at a team meeting.  It can even feel great to be called up in front of everyone and have them cheer you on as you get a great big hug.  Here’s a few ideas for team recognition that can make an impact without breaking your bank:

-          Idea of the Month – Sometimes people don’t always have the big sales or recruiting numbers…but they still contribute some GREAT ideas to the team!  Recognize them!  Not only does the recognition feel good, but you’ll find MORE great ideas coming in each month.  Send a nice certificate – with a box of energy saver bulbs!
-          Top Team Awards – Your company may have top awards for sales and recruiting, but your team likes to know where THEY fit in to THEIR team.  It feels good to be able to say they were #3 in THEIR team for the month of July.  Each month, award the Top Team Sales Rep and the Top Recruiter.  List them in a monthly newsletter that goes out to the entire team.  Team members LOVE seeing their name in print.  If you have in person meetings, give Payday (enjoy your payday!), 100Grand (you’re worth $100 Grand!), and Starbursts (You’re a Star Recruiter) wrapped with a ribbon for being tops in the team.
-          Sales Ribbons – Team members love to show off their ribbons!  You can order incentive ribbons pre-made for a good price.  Try going in with another leader to share costs.  Give ribbons for $1000, $2000, $5000 and $10,000 in sales in a month (or whatever is a good rate for you and your company).  And don’t forget to recognize them in the team newsletter!
-          Spotlight Team Member – If you have a team newsletter, pick a team member that has done particularly well and highlight them in a spotlight.  Do an interview, and include a picture of them and their family.  Make sure to tell the team what YOU think is SPECIAL about this team member, and why you picked them. If possible, get some quotes from other team members on what they recognize as special about this team member.  Send your spotlight member a small gift-card as a token for the Spotlight feature.

You have no idea how many people stay in network marketing for the recognition.  It’s a need that many people don’t even know they have…until it’s met.  Because they've never had it before, it becomes addicting and inspires them to want to do so much more to continue to gain more recognition. For the reason that it feels so good, they don’t want to give it up.  It would be too much of a loss.

So if you are a leader, look for ANY way that you can recognize the members of your team.  You don’t have to have a big budget.  Remember that the gestures don’t have to be grand.  They just have to be very heart felt, appropriate, and consistent.  A little recognition goes a very long way.

Chris Case

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Do Your Leaders Know How To Lead?

Teaching Your Leaders How to Lead

One of the biggest mistakes a leader can make is not giving their up and coming leaders enough opportunity to take on leadership responsibilities.  Sometimes it’s from a feeling of not wanting to “give something up”.  Sometimes it’s from not wanting to take the time to do some training.  Whatever the reason, it’s bad for both the current and upcoming leaders.  Here are a few ways that leaders can teach and encourage new leaders to lead:

1.      Meetings – Have new leaders take on small roles at team meetings, and then gradually take on larger roles.  In the beginning, it may be participating in a role play.  Gradually they can work up to conducting a training session.
2.      Team Calls – As you are making coaching or team calls, start by having your new leaders listen in.  When they feel comfortable, have them host the call, and you listen in.  Eventually they can take over their own team calls.
3.      Newsletters – If you create team newsletters to recognize your team and their accomplishments, allow your new leaders to contribute by writing featured articles.  It’s a great way to build their credibility and confidence while having their name recognized and exposed to the team.
4.      Conflict – This is one of the challenging areas when it comes to training.  When there is conflict within a team, it is hard for a new team leader to know how to handle it while making both sides happy.  Offer to be on a call with all the parties involved.  Hear all sides.  Then let everyone know they need to think about it and you’ll have another call tomorrow.  Call your new leader and ask how THEY would handle the situation based on the call.  Run through different scenarios and give your insights based on experience.  If comfortable, let him/her handle the conflict resolution call, with you listening in.

Each opportunity that you give your leaders to lead increases their confidence and abilities.  Once they are leading their team, it gives you the opportunity to develop a new leader.  Never be afraid of handing over the reins to a new leader…it’s good for both of you!

Chris Case

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Building your MLM with Facebook!

Facebook for building your MLM opportunity? It’s possible, it’s real, but the truth is you’ll never get there without skills.
I’m sure some of you reading this that are new to online marketing have reached out to it as a “quick fix” or “easy solution” for you to sell your opportunity or your products. While many take this route, very few succeed because it simply is not the correct way of building a business via Facebook.
So I’m sure you’re now wondering, how do I build my MLM using Facebook? Check out the link at the bottom of this post to get a video that will explain exactly how to use Facebook to EXPLODE your downline and grow your business
The real secret of all of this is that building your business via Facebook has very little to do with your actual opportunity. It’s more about you, and them being able to see you as a person of authority that can help them in their life.
Think back to when you were a prospect, hadn’t really dug into network marketing before and just needed some extra income part-time, or think about if you were struggling to build leads in your business. What would you be looking for? You would be looking for someone to ease the pain that you’re feeling. You’d be looking for someone to help solve your problem. You would be looking for a leader, a mentor, someone that will be able to truly help you. If you’ll notice that in this example, you’re not looking for the best new product or the most attractive compensation plan.
There’s enough nonsense on the world wide web, and nonsense doesn’t sell. So instead of looking for people that want to join your business, what if you could become someone that was able to provide the value that prospects are looking for so that they come to you.
Click on the link below (or copy and paste it into your browser) to discover exactly how to get started on your way to becoming a Facebook Pro!